Ian Leslie

Ian Leslie

Occupation: Wood Floor Specialist

Member since: 2015

Have you served on a committee, the Board, Officer position? Please detail: I have been a member since 2015, and currently help with the membership & events committees. And through the unwavering support of the board I also hold the treasurer position on the executive committee.

Why The Portland Club?: I first joined the Portland Club for the social networking aspect, and the parking (seriously). 

Strangest thing in your car right now: The strangest thing in my car right now is a potato.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Biggest pet peeve is texting and driving

Favorite meal – where and what: I don’t have a “favorite meal” but if you want to win my heart you’ll put me in front of a Mash Tun burger & beer, or any taco will do… even $1 tacos from Amigos

Favorite beer: My current go-to beer is the Kennedy Park Pilsner from The Portland Zoo. I enjoy mostly light beers (pilsner, kolsch, etc). The best beer I ever had was a Hefeweizen in Munich at a small brauhause in the middle of one of their famed Christmas markets

Favorite cocktail: Gin & Tonic

Celebrity crush: Charlize Theron

Top 3 favorite music groups: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Clegg

What food do you crave most often?: Pesto Pasta

Favorite holiday: Halloween

Favorite sports teams: I don’t really watch sports religiously but I am a default New England fan. I will always root for my home team

Hidden talent: Trap shooting

Last thing you binge-watched: “Click Bait” on Netflix

It’s a super-hot day – what do you want to be doing and where?: On a hot day I’d like to be by the ocean, or, depending on how hot it is, inside playing video games in the A/C.

It’s snowing big, fat flakes with no wind – what do you want to be doing and where?: I want to be walking around the city under the street lights surrounded by the deafening silence caused by the snow cushion… and then I want to walk into Gritty’s.

One surprising thing about yourself: I lived in South Africa for 3 years. It seems to surprise most people.

What was your best Halloween costume?: Ricky from Trailer Park Boys… you should see the picture.

Craziest job you ever had: The job I have now! It’s hard work but I get to work on some of the most immaculate houses in Maine and meet new, unique people every week.