Donate to The Portland Club

Donate to The Portland Club

Please note, any donations made to the Club are not tax deductible at this time.

The Portland Club is organized to develop and promote activities for its membership, and demonstrate a socially responsible role by serving as a creative and enterprising forum for social, economic and political discourse in the context of good fellowship. To that end, The Portland Club seeks to maintain and restore an historic landmark structure commonly known as Hunneywell House located at 156 State Street in Portland to serve as a home for The Portland Club with a respect for tradition and a commitment to the present.


The Portland Club is organized to develop and promote activities for its membership, and demonstrate a socially responsible role by serving as a creative and enterprising forum for social, economic and political discourse in the context of good fellowship. To that end, The Portland Club seeks to maintain and restore an historic landmark structure commonly known as Hunneywell House located at 156 State Street in Portland to serve as a home for The Portland Club with a respect for tradition and a commitment to the present.

Thank you.

We know times are tough right now, and we are deeply grateful for your contribution to The Portland Club. Your donation will be used towards utilities and the general upkeep of the Shepley-Hunnewell mansion.

Please consider these additional ways to support the club:

Refer a member. Have a friend who has expressed interest in joining, or do you know someone that would love being a member? Encourage them to join today. If they list you as a sponsor and their application is approved, then we will credit your account $50 to be used on your next renewal date. 

Buy a hat! We have limited amount of hats in our inventory and we may be biased, but we think they are pretty awesome. Check them out!

When you go to the club and bring a guest, please encourage them to contribute to our room upkeep fund. The donation box can be found on the bar in the billiard room, and we also accept donations through Venmo (@theportlandclub). The suggested minimum donation is $10 per guest. 

Every little bit helps during this time. We are thankful for each and every one of you.

Thank you to our donors

Questions or ideas?

we're all ears!